Since last November, the Salvadoran airline Veca Airlines, launched a promotion for flights 2X1, including Panama as one of their destinations with fares quite accessible tickets.
Gogetit Highlights
* The routes are advertised San Salvador – San Jose, San Salvador – Panama, San Jose – San Salvador, San Jose – Panama, Panama – San Salvador and Panama – San José.
* Prices, which can be found on their website, ranging between US$ 179 and US$ 199 round trip for two people, for the launch promotion.
* The airline will begin operations with two Airbus 319 aircraft with capacity for 144 passengers each and plans to have a third aircraft in 2015.
El Salvador now has an airline to offer low-cost to various destinations in Central America, including Panama. Veca Airlines had announced a few weeks to begin operations by the end of November, but had not said yes to Panama and Guatemala City as origin and destination of their flights. With the inclusion of Panama as a destination, is expected to increase the number of tourists visiting the country taking advantage of low cost airline.
According to information published by the information portal Estrategia y Negocios, the new airline will offer commercial and tourist flights or charter, the latter to Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico, and manages the permissions to fly to America. It is expected to begin operations with two Airbus 319 aircraft with capacity for 144 passengers each and plans to have a third aircraft for this 2015.
Tourism Minister of El Salvador, Jose Napoleon Duarte, said “The entry of more airlines to the Salvadoran market certainly strengthens the market and positively impact on tourism. We hope that the flow of tourists to the country positively increase from 2015 with the start of operations of VECA “.
The first commercial flights will target Guatemala and Costa Rica, and subsequently spread to other countries in Central America; there are planned two daily flights to those destinations.
Read more information here (article in Spanish).
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