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Indispensable amenities in a building – What are you looking for in a social area?

One trend that extends across the country, are apartment towers with various services directly to the door of your house. The idea is to give you everything you need to not have to get out of it. Today more than ever, the apartments are very useful and have intelligently designed spaces that meet the new needs of the residents.

We followed the line, and did some market research, inviting our users to participate in the survey, “What are you looking for in a social area in a building?”. In the survey, more than 500 people participated and the results surprised us, because of course it is very important for us to know what people want and need when deciding to choose a building. Below, we show you the survey results.

You may also be interested in our recent analysis: What people prefer before moving to a building in Panama? which launches shocking results.

This article seeks to highlight the top 10 of what people see more attractive in the social areas of a building or have generated more perceived value in the buildings of Panama. The survey asked users what their preferences in a list of more than 15 amenities that often have social areas, can select all options most valued.

TOP 10 of what people seek in a social area

Currently, there are modern real estate projects, designed for the needs of people and their lifestyle. These offer you many benefits and facilities, as well as spaces for all kinds of activities. Meet our top 10 of amenities that should be considered when searching the building where you want to buy or rent your property.

Gogetit (easygetit) features reviews of actual users who have user experience within the buildings of Panama and give their point of view.

1. Space for exercise – The gym

50% of respondents prefer that their building have a full gym. One might think that everyone wants to have it, and despite being the number one in the top, not all users highlight this amenity. Exercise and health are very important elements in the home. The safest thing is that in your daily routine, make some space in your time to exercise and stay in shape. Therefore, it is important to have a space to do so without leaving the building, it is what our survey who leads and throws as No. 1, because it is what people look the most before moving into a building.

2. Pool

The pool is a favorite, as 43.3% believe it is an essential amenity and we doubt that ceases to be soon, and specially in Panama, here all the time is right and necessary to go from time to time to relax at the pool of our building.

3. BBQ Area or grill

36% of respondents love to share with loved ones and friends. This is very important for many. And have a BBQ or grill area in your building, you can enjoy a space where you can live your lifestyle to the fullest.

4. Children’s area

For 33% is important to have a space dedicated only to children, because being a building and have apartments is difficult for these to have plenty of room inside it. Therefore, parents and mothers, love their building have this amenity, for children to run freely and also make friends his own age.

5. The view

Within our top 10, another 33% prefer and are carried away by the view offered by the building. In Panama, there is plenty of buildings that offer spectacular views even from the same apartment.

6. The privacy

33% of people look for privacy in the building where they buy the apartment. In this private space, you can relax and unwind from the hustle and bustle in the city without thinking that someone is watching.

7. Multiple Courts

Having multiple courts are necessary for everybody and more for 22% of users as well as recreating the mind, they help people in both their health and their emotional development, because playing sports allows you to leave behind the routine or problems for a short while.

8. Partyroom

Surprisingly, only 23% is set in the ballroom, as many (or at least most) are built thinking in this buzzy over others. It is always a good idea to have a space available for your parties and meetings. It is considered within the amenities most used by residents, so the maintenance cost is justified.

9. Decoration and good atmosphere

The decor is important for 10% of the people. Living in a building where you can have a nicely decorated terrace, where you know that the atmosphere is always good and so invite your friends or spend time with your family, is something that people love and so is within the top 10 of amenities that should not miss in a building in social areas.

10 .- Jacuzzi and other

Last but not least, only 6.7% said that although many buildings have this amenity, many people like the eccentricity of having a jacuzzi in their building. It’s a good idea for relaxing and having a good conversation with good friends.

Buildings amenities – Trend in this age

Currently, the most common thing is living in an apartment. This trend, which is a reality in most of the country, began in Panama City with time, it may expand to other entities. Nowadays, no matter what city are you living in, anywhere we see how new developments that offer the sale of attractive apartments are expanding.

Are you thinking of buying apartment? Here we share with you five things you should know before buying apartment.

The boom of this type of housing, matches with that of the construction industry a couple of years ago, when the key to bank loans and mortgage loans opened, and people began to prefer apartments to live. Builders got the message and began to build tall buildings. Besides that, Panama is a city in real estate growth path and more recognized for its ‘large buildings’ ‘or better known as’ the city of the buildings”.

One of the main features found in these new developments are areas such as pool, gym, gardens. You may not want or can maintain without the help of your neighbors spaces. In a way, what you’re buying, plus square meters to live, are these amenities.

Some buildings have amenities that are more modern and complete than others. Each market is different and must be delivered in the project what the market value more than its cost.

Today amenities account for between 4% and 9% of the salable area of ​​residential projects and begin to appear on office projects, gaining ground quickly. In the future, this percentage will grow and its importance will be critical, even at the level of nuclear product. Developers who understand the importance of these spaces and work to improve them, will be leaders in their markets.

The taboo of the privacy of the house is almost nonexistent in the new generations. Search apartments and houses in Panama over the Internet has its joke, so we invite you to enter the real estate portal, where they will facilitate this search.

Fortunately, there are buildings in Panama that facilitate things for us, giving us articles and utensils for our personal care, or to enjoy and get closer to our family or friends which are included in the price of the apartment.

If you are looking properties and still not know how to choose it and you would like to get some advice, we will share with you our ranking of most influential Panama Brokers. In there, you surely find what you want.

Are you in the adventure of getting an apartment in Panama? Do not hesitate to find the house or apartment of your dreams in Gogetit.