Each year, the magazine International Living launches Global Retirement Index to help retirees points in the right direction. The survey is based on a combination of first-person accounts of his legion of international correspondents and editors, as well as data from the World Bank and the World Health Organization. For 2015, Panama ranks as the second country to retire, preceded by Ecuador.
Gogetit Highlights
* Full index, consisting of 25 countries worldwide, positions Panama as the second country to retire this 2015.
* Countries are ranked based on a number of factors, including real estate, cost of living, ease of installation costs of health care / quality, infrastructure, and weather.
* Ecuador is located on the top of the list, while Panama is second, Mexico is in position number three, Malaysia is number four and Costa Rica is at number five.
Panama slipped from the top spot this year, but still is the second best place to retire, according to International Living. The benefits for retired expatriates are probably the biggest attraction of the country. Panama offers the Pensioner Visa, which provides any foreigner who can prove they receive income from a lifetime pension or Social Security of at least US $ 1,000 per month, the ability to live there indefinitely. The visa also comes with multiple discounts such as 20% discount on medical services, 50% discount on entertainment, 25% discount in restaurants, 25% discount on air tickets, and 25% discount on electricity bills and telephone.
The country that ranks first is Ecuador, a country that, like Panama, really serves the community of retired expatriates. Seniors (65 and over) can easily get discounts on flights originating in Ecuador and up to 50% off movies and sporting events. This discount also applies to public transport (50%) and utilities. Besides all that, it’s a pretty cheap place to live, a couple whose average cost is of U.S. $ 1,400 per month.
Mexico started last year in seventh place, and this year, surprised ranking third place. This is a great starting point for Americans looking to test their skills to travel overseas without moving too far from home. Its proximity to the US is a great advantage, not to mention the fact that it is relatively easy to find brands and relatives there services. The prices are so low that the value of a week of groceries can cost as little as US $ 15 to US $ 20, and property taxes are quite low for those considering the purchase.
Moreover, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ranked fourth in countries to withdraw. Malaysia is ideal for expatriates looking to travel throughout Southeast Asia while still living comfortably base. The cost of living is about US $ 1,500 a month for a couple, and public transport is very efficient, since cars are not necessary. The visit of a basic medical costs around US $ 15. Is China’s most senior in the index this year.
In the fifth place on the list, is Costa Rica. The number six and seven position, are Spain and Malta respectively. Eighth place to retire is Colombia, while the number nine is occupied by Portugal and tenth position is Thailand.
See more here (article in Spanish).
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Gogetit Content Manager. Author of important reviews for Gogetit News, “The #1 Source for real estate news in Panama.”
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