Recently, New York City was the place of the gala awards by Engineering News-Record, ceremony considered as “the Oscars of engineering.” In this event, the urban structure known as Coastal Strip 3 (Cinta Costera 3), built in the previous administration for the company Odebrecht, was awarded.
Coastal Strip 3 – Gogetit Highlights
* Coastal Strip 3 was awarded in New York at a ceremony considered “the Oscars of engineering.”
* The project won in the category of “Roads and highways,” one of the twenty called Best Proyects Awards by the weekly magazine ENR (Engineering News-Record).
* The construction in Panama began in October 2011 and was inaugurated in April 2014. It had a cost of 777 million dollars and employed a workforce of 3,000 people.
Panama celebrates the important award received by Coastal Strip 3 in New York City. At a gala dinner held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York, was held the awards ceremony of the major magazine Engineering News-Record. The magazine, founded in 1917 and headquartered in New York, is considered the most prestigious and influential in the world as far as construction engineering refers publication.
According to information published by Panama America website, the award was received by Alexander Christiani, Francisco Martins and Jose Luis Martínez, head of productivity, manager of Sustainability and resident engineer, respectively, by Odebrecht-Panama; Roderick McGowen, president of the Construction Chamber of Panama (CAPAC) and the Spanish architect Juan Herreros, designer of the work.
The Coastal Strip 3 is an urban complex consisting of a highway, three lanes in each direction and 4.5 kilometers, built over the sea in the Panama Bay, opposite the Old Town, plus a viewpoint of the Pacific Ocean, several recreational parks, parking for 600 vehicles and a football stadium. This work has been a solution for urban and social integration, to communicate and to involve the development of the Panamanian capital to the populous neighborhood of El Chorrillo, who suffered a sort of isolation or marginalization of the rest of the city.
For the award, the jury, composed of renowned engineering specialists from different countries, took in consideration all aspects of the work, from initial project funding model to its final outcome and its social, urban and ecological impact. “This award is a recognition that highlighted on the world map of economic and social development of Panama”, told the president of CAPAC.
Read more information here (Article in Spanish).
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