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Construction in Panama keeps increasing

During the month of September, many buildings were made in the main districts of the country, with a total value of over $ 190 million, representing an increase of 60 million compared to August. In our article today, we will discuss some of the numbers behind the buildings.

Gogetit Highlights

* Last September, 845 buildings were constructed, additions and repairs were conducted to the main districts.

* The value of residential projects amounted to US $ 119.301 million, an increase of more than $ 63 million compared to last August.

* La Chorrera is where most works (353) are performed. However, the development in this area decreased 42.0%, relative to the month of August.

Construction in Panama continues apace. According to the Comptroller General of the Republic, in September 2014, some 845 buildings, additions and repairs to the main districts of the country were conducted, reaching a total value of US $ 195 301 000, representing an increase of US $ 63 239,000 million compared with August.

According to information published by the news portal Panama America, the value of residential projects amounted to 119 634 176 US dollars, surpassing the non-residential 43 966 439. Moreover, the value of 801 housing buildings that were made during this period was 114 046,000 for additions and repairs totaled 5, 587,000.

Although the non-residential projects are less than residential (total 44) have an investment in additions and repairs of 29,919,936 dollars, which exceeds that of households in this same line. Importantly La Chorrera is where most work is carried out with a total of 53.

Read more information here (article in Spanish).

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