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Modern and elegant – Furniture collection “SER” by Todeschini

A furniture collection, anywhere in the world, often gather various styles and elements. One element always stands out for giving that particular and unique touch, which defines the collection.

All furniture collection is similar to a fashion collection: Trends are imposed, patterns are set and looking to go in a certain current, often with retro or vintage touches and sometimes futuristic or minimalist touches.

Furniture collection – Gogetit Highlights

Photo Credits: Todeschini

When you see a furniture collection, you may notice that several factors are combined. Some collections, make more emphasis on minimalism. Other collections include certain elements, such as wood or metal. Over the years, different styles have evolved to get something that suits the needs of human beings.

However, the classic never goes out of style. That’s when we discovered that some collections feature vintage touch, where despite having minimalist furniture, a retro touch does not fall nothing wrong.

“Following this way, highlighting the retro, contemporary and urban industrial, emerges the collection “SER” of the Brazilian firm Todeschini.”

Todeschini, a firm widely recognized for developing custom furniture, looking away from the design in series or catalog. So they prepare their designers to offer solutions millimeter by millimeter to suit the need and lifestyle of each persona.colección Furniture

Photo credits: Todeschini

“SER” collection by Todeschini

Retro furniture, contemporary and urban industrial style, are various tendencies that come together in SER, the new signature collection.

According to the Uruguayan architect Matías Revello Vazquez, Product Development Advisor of the company, “the intention is to understand that there are different profiles, tastes and ways of behaving After a marketing research, were identified three roles: Retro, contemporary and urban”.

Retro style

The lifestyle of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, is appearing in a modern reinterpretation and makes this a dynamic proposal, high visual impact. Pieces that are classics of the company are back on this line, which explores emotional and nostalgic elements, as well as vibrant and sober colors.

Contemporary style

Here, the latest design trends dictate the characteristics of this line, which features minimalist aspects and exploits the simple shapes and straight lines. Considering that “less is more” in SER collection. Raw materials such as glass and stone-like coatings, cement, metal, steel, marble and light wood, they are part of this proposal.

Urban industrial style

It is starring elements and colors that recall the streets and metropolitan industries. The elements that make up this atmosphere, appear stylized in materials that recall the weathered wood, canvas, gears and machine parts. This style, also has a foot on sustainability, because in essence, its aim is to reuse the old structures and elements passing only through a process of renewal.

When buying furniture, they must be consistent with the space looking decorate, and it is advisable to seek a balance in the amount of furniture in the same space as it should not be neither too empty or too lleno.colección furniture


Photo credits: Todeschini

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If you are thinking about remodeling your house, Todeschini offers a beautiful collection of wood types. His new collection “SER” is focused on customizing the home. This is an innovative proposal, composed of lines drinking of different styles, but always respecting the individuality and essence of each.

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