In recent days, the lightweight construction company Plycem made a poll showing the preference for lightweight building materials. 74% of foreman in Central America, say that the trend of the traditional system of building blocks and rod has changed rapidly in recent years.
Lightweight building materials – Gogetit Highlights
* According to the report made by the company Plycem, preference for lightweight building materials rose from 8% in 2005 to 74% this year.
* In recent years, more developers of residential projects are using lightweight construction systems.
* Properties built with lightweight building materials, have a durability like the houses built in the conventional way and they are more effective security.
The construction sector experiences a trend in recent years. The lightweight construction has been used for decades in the United States, Japan and elsewhere. With this construction, practicality and reducing construction time is sought. In Panama, this trend seems to be imposed very gradually.
According to information published by Panama America website, and according to statements made by Katherine Shahani, president of the Panamanian Association of Developers and Realtors (Acobir), there is indeed a trend that’s not exactly with blocks and rods: “In several residential projects lightweight building systems, such as M2, the Plycem and formwork used to pour concrete and thermopanels”.
One advantage of lightweight building materials, is that such materials and systems can help the timeout housing to be short. But then, although experts ensure that this type of construction is light and safe, a lot of customers do not require these products because they rely on their strength and durability, becoming a disadvantage. However, the promoters used them for their quick and easy use.
Jose Batista, president of the Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects (SPIA), said that the Panamanian is very attached to the block because they say that these building systems are not strong or durable. “Some people say they don’t like those cardboard houses, even hard to convince customers of good systems, such as repellable convitec”. However, this type of lightweight construction systems are safe and can stand like a house made of blocks, but if you give a choice to Panamenians, they will choose the conventional system blocks.
Read more information here (Article in Spanish).
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