In the El Crisol area, is located Mystic Valley, a real estate project that aims to offer numerous homes to those who want an excellent home rises. Its buildings have numerous departments, to choose the number depending on the preferences of each family. In our article today, we will let you know a little about this interesting project.
Gogetit Highlights
* Mystic Panama is a set of projects designed to promote housing, among which three stand out.
* Mystic Panama offers security and comfort in their homes, and also provides a suitable prime.
* This project is very well located, offering its inhabitants the best daily services they need, such as supermarkets or shopping malls.
Panama has many real estate projects currently, but none of them compares to Mystic Valley, which aims to offer numerous homes to those who want an excellent home. Its buildings have numerous departments, to choose the number depending on the preferences of each family. The real estate project consists of green areas for family enjoyment and excellent views. And because safety is important, the complex of buildings consists of a perimeter wall to protect its inhabitants.
Located in El Crisol, Mystic intends to offer several alternatives so you can get home with that dreamed in several different ways, depending on which best suits you. Mystic Panama soon expected to be an occupying more than one of its complexes.
Surely you’ve heard the name Mystic Blue, located in Llano Bonito. This sector is very well located, offering its inhabitants the best daily services they need, such as supermarkets or shopping malls. And, of course, common to enjoy large and small areas. It also has security 24 hours a day so that the occupants live peacefully.
Another large building complex that offers 6 different models to choose: Mystic Torre 100. It has a shopping area to meet the needs of its occupants. It offers maximum security 24 hours, as the spread is always important, offers green areas for the enjoyment, as well as an area for children.
Mystic Panama plans to offer families a pleasant housing and safe as possible, because a home should be the most suitable for any family. Your real estate project and its prime interest is designed so that everyone can access these properties. Mystic Panama knows what families need and provides you with adequate housing and preferential interest.
It is important to know about the Mortgage Loan under Preferred Interest Act, because it cares about the houses, so you can have a home built for you. It has great advantages such as 100% financing for real estate ranging from U.S.$ 40,000 to U.S.$ 80,000. From the latter figure to U.S.$ 120,000 would cover 98%. They have no closing fee and you could be provided of a period of up to 30 years to pay back the loan.
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Gogetit Content Manager. Author of important reviews for Gogetit News, “The #1 Source for real estate news in Panama.”
Specialized in the search and analysis of the most important news about real estate in Panama.