The Central American region will have an economic growth of 3.8%. Within the countries of this region, Panama tops the list of countries with a higher percentage of grow, according to International Monetary Fund forecasts.
Gogetit Highlights
* The economy of Central grow 3.8% this year and a tenth more in 2015, with Panama at the head of Latin America, with a 6.6% growth in 2014 and 6.4% in 2015.
* After Panama, Nicaragua is the country with the highest growth prediction in the report, 4% in the two years considered (2014 and 2015).
* There are certain external factors such as oil prices rising, which can have a negative impact on the Central American economic factors.
The economy in Central America is experiencing significant growth in recent years. Of all the countries in the region, Panama will grow the most, with a 6.6% so far in 2014.
According to information published by the information portal Infolatam, and according to the ” Perspectivas Economicas Globales” report issued by the International Monetary Fund, there are “specific domestic factors” in each country, which have prevented the region to benefit the most from “the positive effects of increased activity in the United States. “External factors such as oil prices rising may have a negative impact on the Central American economic, which are “particularly vulnerable” because of the need to import this fuel.
Panama is estimated to grow by 6.6% for 2014 and 6.4% for 2015, after Panama, Nicaragua is the country with the highest growth prediction based on the report, 4% in the two years considered (2014 and 2015 ). For its part, Guatemala will grow 3.4% in 2014 and 3.7% next year; while Honduras will do it at a rate of 3% this year and next year tenth.
Costa Rica will grow 3.6% in 2014, which will continue next year, while El Salvador will make 1.7% this year and 1.8% next. Belize expects a growth of 2% this year and 2.5% for 2015 compared to 0.7% in 2013.
Read more information here (article in Spanish).
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