Did you know that properties with professional photos are sold three times faster than the others? In Gogetit we strive to give your property the professional touch that your photos require to promote your property, get more leads and close sales faster
Today, with less and less time to devote to buying or renting properties and a wider availability to choose from, to publish the best possible real estate photos on the home you wish to rent or sell ads crucial information to not go unnoticed and catch the attention of potential customers.
Taking real estate photos – Get immediate results
These tips are not intended to mislead the buyer and show a different property that we are offering. They simply pursue getting the most out of your property and attract potential buyers or tenants through photography.
#1 Lighting is key
Lighting is the key to real estate photos in general, but especially for indoor photography. As you can imagine, you can take pictures of a dwelling will be mostly pictures indoors. Unless you are lucky enough to have a terrace, a garden, patio, etc.
Therefore, in indoor photography, you should consider the following recommendations:
- Be careful with the white balance.
- Avoid, if you can, the use of flash. You will achieve more natural results. Of course, if you don’t have a tripod or enough time for the session and you will need to use flash, try to blur it.
- Open curtains and blackouts to allow the entry of more light.
- Use a bright lens.
- Use your tripod if the exposure time is necessary.
#2 uses a wide angle lens
There are few occasions when one can rejoice for having a wide-angle lens as in rooms photography in which you must collect a wide space from a distance of reduced approach.
For this ability of wide angle lenses and optical properties that increase the distance between the objects in the picture, the use of such lenses will be almost mandatory if you want to achieve a good result that catches your eye and the owner and the prospective tenant or buyer.
As a recommendation, uses lens with less than 15mm to achieve the effect of a wide angle. Ideally, a 10mm lens.
#3 Look various angles of decision
The council of varying angles making is common in many types of photography and all of them seeks to achieve different results than those to which we are accustomed.
In indoor photography angle variation does not seek to achieve different results, but achieve more natural results, compared to others who may be unnatural and cause the rejection of those who see the image.
Vary the angle of take, take multiple pictures of the same location of the property and then select the most striking one. Think about providing natural views of what a person would see upon entering a room, a bathroom, a kitchen.
#4 Take care of the details (1st. Part)
Even the smallest detail can damage your photos. Take care for the reflections on windows, mirrors, light variations between spaces. In this sense look after the light and make sure is always uniform throughout the photo.
#5 Take care of the details (2nd. Part)
The details must not only take care in a negative way. That is, preventing certain details to ruin your photos.
You should also take into account details from a positive perspective. For example, filing a properly prepared table for a meal, a fully functional kitchen: with proper crockery and utensils. Appliances and some ornaments that enrich real estate photos.
With this type of detail in your photographs will be much easier to present an apartment or a house attractive to potential bidders.
The inclusion of details in your photographs allows you to achieve a better impression of who observe the photos of real estate.
#6 Use small aperture to achieve enough depth of field
You will need to submit real estate photos in which all elements in the picture look sharp enough. To do this, you must have in your pictures a wide depth of field.
Your will benefit with the use of wide angles, with the gain in depth of field that these offers. However, the distance to the object in focus will not be too high, so you need to use small apertures (high f-numbers) to achieve the proper depth of field.
Of course, the use of closed apertures can cause increased exposure time and with it the need to use a tripod.
#7 Provides multiple views of each room
Photos provided by real estate should try to describe in as much detail as possible the spaces and leave no room for the imagination of the potential buyer or renter, because it will be normal to think negatively about those parts that doesn’t appear in the photos.
What we think, normally, it is that the seller overlooked some aspect of the house because it is damaged or in bad shape or not attractive enough to include it.
Try to cover all the rooms of the house and show rooms from different perspectives in order to give a complete perspective of the property.
Particularly when publishing in Gogetit you can add up to 10 photographs. Use the space and show your customers a complete view of your property.
Other tips:
Tripod: Use a tripod so you can place longer exposure time and get a really professional results.
Mirrors: Use mirrors to your advantage and find the angle where the reflection contributes to the photo creating value to the viewer. Particularly in bedrooms and bathrooms.
Flash: If you are not a professional photographer then as far as possible do not use the flash. Open the windows, blinds curtains and turn on the lights. If you use a tripod you can increase the exposure time and get amazing results. If you still need to use the flash make sure not to burn the photo and that the light is not absorbed by metal surfaces such as faucets and kitchen utensils.
Gogetit – premium photography plan
To increase the exposure of your property we recommend using the Gogetit premium photography plan with which you’ll get the following benefits:
More visibility: Properties with professional photos are better positioned in searches.
Watermark verified: Our brand verified logo, let your costumers know that a professional photographer has seen the property.
High quality: Beautiful high resolution images show the best of your property.

Gogetit Content Manager. Author of important reviews for Gogetit News, “The #1 Source for real estate news in Panama.”
Specialized in the search and analysis of the most important news about real estate in Panama.