The 2015-2019 Strategic Plan of Panama, bet on five strategic areas: Logistics, Tourism, Agribusiness, Mining and Energy. In the current government of President Juan Carlos Varela, will be emphasized in these sectors and each one will have strategies to enhance the Panamanian economy.
Gogetit Highlights
- The Strategic Plan for the presidential term between 2015 to 2019, is betting on logistics, tourism, agribusiness, mining and energy.
- The previous presidential term, was based on different sectors that contained the strategic plan 2010-2014, which were Logistics, Tourism, Agriculture and Financial Services.
- The logistics activity is maintained in the strategic plan for its undeniable potential. Currently the business associations in this sector by the Panamanian government are driving the creation of the Logistics Department of Panama, which would be created in mid-2015.
The Five-Year Government Plan, approved last December 23 by the Cabinet, will focus on five areas, which are considered the pillars of the Panamanian economy. This document must contain the economic and social strategy, financial planning five years, the public investment plan and the plan of channeling public spending towards sectors as well as programs and projects.
According to information published by the information portal Agencia de Noticias de Panama, the output of financial services as one of the strategic points of the current government was asked the president of the Banking Association of Panama, Carlos Troestch. However, the logistics activity is maintained in the strategic plan for its undeniable potential. Currently, the business associations in this sector by the Panamanian government are driving the creation of the Logistics Department of Panama, which would be created in mid-2015.
It is important to point out that the main logistics potential of the country, is focused on the maritime sector, either ports, the Panama Canal, air cargo, Colon Free Zone and other free zones. Within this sector, like projections that management of air cargo, in 2030 Panama will move about 231 million tons stake. With the Panama Canal expansion project, the doors will open to other activities the same management of the waterway being repaired, as new ports, terminal redistribution of cars and other natural gas. Over 400 new companies will be installed.
In Tourism, Panama will receive 3 million people in 2017, according to the president of the Chamber of Tourism, Jaime Campuzano. The huge investments in new hotels, even up to new air terminal, are only a sample of the route you are taking the sector. As an example, Copa Airlines, the airline of Panama aviation in 2010 placed an order for 32 aircraft worth US $ 2.600 million.
In the Mining industry, Panama has reserves of US $ 200,000 million metallic mineral explode, according to the president of the Mining Chamber of Panama, Roberto Cuevas. This sector could become one of the main drivers of the Panamanian economy, but environmentalists movements oppose mining outdoors, for damage to the environment, including pollution of rivers and massive cutting of forested areas, which also bring economic damage.
As for Energy, Panama needs at least an investment of US $ 5,000 million in this sector to meet the demand that the country will require taking into account the growth of the economy. This translates to 130 megawatts 150 megawatts per year.
Agribusiness sector represents 3% of the country’s GDP, but it gives employment to 17% of the working population. This has been one of the few economic activities has decreased. The current government has already announced a plan to improve the sector, including loans at 0% interest.
Read more here (article in Spanish).
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